Gran Concierto - Mexico City - 30.08.08
Dont know how many times I've posted these today but this is the last time and here are all of them!! I think :p
by isifa
Tokio Hotel at LATIN AWARDS
The German band Tokio Hotel confirmed their participation in the upcoming MTV Latin America awards on October 16 in Guadalajara, capital of the Mexican state of Jalisco, and announced that they'll prepare something "very special that will surprise the audience."
"For us it is a great opportunity to have been invited to the MTV awards, it's a great honour, however we still don't know what we are going to present, there are many ideas that we have to arrange, but for sure we know that will be something very special, we have many expectations", said the vocalist Bill Kaulitz, in a press conference.
Tokio Hotel, one of the most successful German bands among today's youth, includes the twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz, who've created the band in their homeland Magdeburg (Germany) in 2001 along with the drummer Gustav Schäfer and the bassist Georg Listing.
The band arrived to Mexico in a time of great popularity to promote their latest album, "Scream", for which a signing session was made on Friday where they gathered more than 5 000 fans in a commercial square in the capital.
Before the number of followers, Bill said that they never imagined they had so many fans in this country.
"We are very happy at this signing session, it was our first encounter with the Mexican public and we never thought that were so many people," said the vocalist.
About their "Scream", their first album in English, Tom said they decided to sing in this language so that they could communicate with the rest of the world.
On the content of their songs, Tom pointed out that they have no messages, but only talk about common themes among youth.
"We just want people to have fun. We just make music, we like making music but nothing else," said Tom.
With sales of three million records in their homeland Germany and some 26 awards, Tokio Hotel is presenting their latest work in Latin America, which contains the best musical pieces from their previous albums "Schrei" and "Zimmer 483".
Their biggest success so far is "Monsoon".
Orginal article
Looks like this:

Kaulitzes in Kindergarten
Scream! Scream! Scream! The teen band Tokio Hotel forces themselves onto the US market, tours through the country, and proves in a legendary San Francisco club that above all pubescent screaming is the single true world language of today.
The flair held itself, all changes because of defiance. The area around the Fillmore Street corner Geary is still always a little shabby. Dark house entryways alternate with small lower level shops, neon advertisements advertise fast food restaurants, before which the homeless beg for a few cents for a beer. Above all this, blazes a single yellow sign before the building with the number 1805 - "Fillmore".
Here, in the legendary Fillmore auditorium in San Francisco, the blues were re-discovered. The greats have played here: B.B. King The Who, Santana, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Aretha Franklin, and many more. That, however, is long gone, and now everyone who wants to make it big treads here.
Or even bigger.
Such as Tokio Hotel that teen band from near Magdeburg who proceeded directly to conquer the hearts of the US teenager with their English translated success melodies. With simple, honest lyrics like "Turn around, I am here" or "We are here tonight, leave the word aside," they want to bring the girls to screaming here exactly like they do at home.
In May, the first English-language album "Scream" reached place 5 in the US rock charts and earned the praise of the tasteful music magazine "Rolling Stone": "These boys are biggest German bubblegum-neo-glam-goth-emo-boyband. Of all time."
That wasn't meant ironically. But real help came from the music station MTV, who set not only one fan week, but also nominated the hit "Ready, Set, Go!" in two categories for the MTV Video Music Awards. Does one need more in order to leave teenage hearts captured?
And so stand the fans on this Tuesday evening far down the next block, out in the line until they are let into the Fillmore in small groups to the Tokio Hotel concert.
Way in front stands Cathleen, who held out in a hotel around the corner for a week in order to snag the best spot. "I heard of the band on the internet for the first time, there I didn't know at all that they're from Germany," says the 15-year-old. Afterwards she later read Wikipedia - and she fell in love with the boys even more. "That they sing in two languages impressed me. They lead the word together, and that's good" she says with a pompous seriousness that absolutely doesn't fit into her confession of being "forever in love with Bill".
"San Francisco is Beautiful"
Singer Bill Kaulitz looks like a Japanese cartoon version of Christian Siriano - the youngest winner of the talent show "Project Runway", wrote the "New York Times" in February. And join, the US fans should please not freak out for a "goth-punk-boy-band" led by a "sexy androgynous person with spectacularly spiked hair."
Why not? After all, nothing stays anymore on Rammstein to mint the German image in the US.
The US fans stand freaking out for nothing in any case. When Tokio Hotel took the stage shortly after nine, an ear-deafening screaming concert breaks out - as the fans take the album title "Scream" literally. The parents, in not insignificant numbers, look tortured and seem first relieved when their kids ignore it, sing along with the lyrics.
The object of hysteria is - like in German - singer Bill Kaulitz who presented the first three songs as routinely as little electrifying presentation. First after the third song, he greeted the crowd with little imaginative sentences "Hi everybody, how are you tonight?" and "San Francisco is beautiful!"
That brings the fans to screaming anew, but also shows how ambitious the project of the four boys is, to sing in a language that isn't their mother language.
Music from Kids for Kids
Allegedly, they couldn't speak especially good English a year ago. Their pronunciation is pretty hard, out of "eyes" comes "ice" - but the fans sooner find that to seem sweet. And only on that, it's brought. In order to release the enthusiasm storm, it works anyway that Kaulitz bends down and touches hands now and then. Sometimes he even stretches the microphone out into the audience, but such designed gestures for big halls don't work in the Fillmore, the venerable jazz club is too intimate.
Here on this evening, simple kids music is made for other kids - what isn't certainly absolutely bad if the band and fans are lucky. Only too bad, that neither one nor the other appears to know where they stand.
The boys had only jerked their shoulders, when they would make it noticeable where they appear, says a member of the crew. Most of the fans don't notice the hundreds of concert posters in the lobby of the Fillmore that represent decades of music history once the four boys enter.
Where something of Tokio Hotel's will soon also hang, according to tradition. After just barely an hour, the concert is over. Elders, who still know other times, wonder. "No concert can end so early," the taxi driver snarls. "That was different earlier."
He probably doesn't know the total work of Tokio Hotel still doesn't really grant a longer appearance.
Don't Forget!
Hope they have a great birthday tomorrow!!
As I told you before we where going to put all the voting link in one post and here you go!
- Sophie's Challenge vote HERE
- MTV Europe Music Awards vote HERE (Best Act Ever! and Headliner!)
- Swedish Nickelodeon vote HERE (Rösta=Vote)
Thats all the voting I can find now, if I've missed anything comment and we'll update it ;)
US and concerts
Now all the concerts in the US are done but they are still not done over there...4/8 2008 - MTV TRL, Broadway, New York (TH vecka)
5/8 2008 - MTV TRL, Broadway, New York (TH vecka)
5/8 2008 - Intervju på Rock Show, New York
7/8 2008 - Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, New Jersey
8/8 2008 - Skivsignering av Scream, Sayreville, New Jersey
9/8 2008 - Hot Air Balloon Festival of St. Jean, Quebec, Canada
11/8 2008 - House Of Blues, Cleveland, Ohio
12/8 2008 - The Fillmore, Detroit, Michigan
13/8 2008 - Skivsignering av Scream, Oakland, Michigan
15/8 2008 - House Of blues, Chicago, Illinois
15/8 2008 - Skivsignering av Scream, Chicago, Illinois
16/8 2008 - Myth, St. Paul, Minneapolis
19/8 2008 - The Fillmore, San Francisco, California
20/8 2008 - House Of Blues, Anaheim, California
22/8 2008 - House Of Blues, Las Vegas, Nevada
23/8 2008 - Skivsignering av Scream, Las Vegas, Nevada
25/8 2008 - Gothic Theatre, Denver, Colorado
27/8 2008 - House Of Blues, Dallas, Texas
28/8 2008 - Verizon Wireless Theater, Houston, Texas29/8 2008 - Skivsignering av Scream, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico CityNow they are up to this:
30/8 2008 - Festival (Palacio de los Deportes), Ciudad Juárez, Mexico
3/9 08 - AJ's Playhouse,San Diego, California [interview + concert]
5/9 08 - KIIS FM Burbank, Los Angeles, California [interview + concert]
6/9 08 - Signing of Scream, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California + FREE concert
7/9 08 - MTV VMA, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
More is coming soon!!
Just hope they have time to get home and make us our new CD!!
For those that dont know, Tokio Hotel will not perform at the VMA's!
If you want to know when its sent in your country just send us and e-mail or a comment and we'll answer as quick as we can ;)
Bill and Tom - 4.8.2008
Stars Interviews #4
Star Club #250
More Mexico Pictures
Denver - 25.08.08
Animations and Screens
From an old Bravo magazine
Bill in a plane
Information About Mexico
So here is stuff I found intressting:
After 1½ hours all the fans still hadent got their things signed. The boys where going to take a little break but Tom and Bill werent feeling that good so they didnt continue with the signing.

As you can see on these pictures Tom doesnt look that happy, or I dont think so. Hope he is doing fine now! They might have had to much presure in the US?
Or the pictures where just taken when he wasnt really ready but twice on the same day. And since the signing didnt continue... Hope Tom, Bill, Gustav and Georg are doing fine!
Mexico - Videos
Ready Set Go
Monsoon Part 1
Monsoon Part 2
First Pictrure from Mexico

Mc Donalds
MTV Latin Awards
Tokio Hotel will be at the MTV Latin Awards in October in Guadalajara!!!
The Mexican singer songwriter Julieta Venegas and the German rock band Tokio Hotel will act in the delivery of the MTV Latin American Awards, programmed for the 16th of October in Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico), the organizers announced today.
YAY! Translation by missthe1stdate at Tokio Hotel America
The mexican singer Julieta Venegas and the German rock band Tokio Hotel will perform on the awards ceremony of MTV Latin Awards 2008, scheduled for the next Oct 16th in Guadalajara, Jalisco (México), announced today the organizers.
- Julieta Venegas part -
Tokio Hotel, for its part, has quickly become a favorite of the MTV audience globally, and is one of the most successful German bands of its generation that has succeeded in placing three singles for their debut album "Schrei" as number one of the lists of popularity easily, said Tillán.
Bill and Tom Kaulitz formed the group in his native Magdeburg in 2001, to recruit Gustav Schäfer as drummer and the basssist Georg Listing to close alignment.
Belanova, Katy Perry and Paramore are pre-announced artists to perform at the ceremony.
Vote HERE for Tokio Hotel, they are doing good they've got 98 % of the votes and the other band has only got 2% of the votes...
Some day soon we are going to put all the links for voting in one post so you can easly find them!! And we might put links on the side too ;)
Southern California
September 3rd - San Diego
7 am at KHTS Station
Interview at the station and acoustic performance with studio audience and listeners - may be on the web
September 3rd - Burbank
4 pm at KIIS FM
Interview and acoustic performance for contest winners with meet and greet for fans
September 3rd - Los Angeles
7:30 PM at KYSR FM Alternative Station
September 5th - Burbank again
Interview with MORE contest winners
Come on how much more are they gonna do in the US this year!?!?!?!?

Beginning on Saturday, August 30th at 10am, if you purchase any Tokio Hotel CD or T-Shirt from the Hollywood & Highland Hot Topic, you will receive a wristband that gets you preferred access to the performance and guarantees the opportunity to meet the band following the concert at the store!!! (Limited space available)
Tokio Hotel Interview & Tokio Hotel Performance
Mexico here they come!!
Beautiful picture of Bill
Radio Challange
Support Tokio Hotel with your vote in Sopie..s Challange!
Tokio Hotel are facing Paramore this time and the results are really tight so help Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg to remain champion!
VOTE: The 100 Major Germans

They give our country profile, drawn on the mesh, provide for culture, progress and controversial debates: 100 characters who shape our present. Choose with us the most important Germans of the year!
Underestimated or overrated? Start the Top 100 and click on the appropriate button. Every vote counts.
You have to click on ‘Unterschätzt' (= underestimated)
You can follow this here.
20th Birthday Present for Gustav
Your birthday wishes for Gustav!
As you all know, on 8 September Gustav will turn 20. Reason enough for the us as official fanclub to start a birthday action, where we ask you to get your mobile phone, camera or webcam on your pc and record your birthday wish for Gustav. We will put all the birthday wishes together on a disc, that we will give to Gustav.
How should your entry look?
You can record something alone or with friends. You can sing, read a poem or just say your wishes, whatever you always wanted to say. Please keep in mind that your entry can be no longer then 30 seconds, otherwise it won't be on the CD.
How do I send my entry?
The file with your message should be MP3, OGG or WMA, and size of the file can't be larger then 1 Megabyte. An everage message of 30 seconds should be about 500 kilobyte. You can send you file until 5 September 2008 through email to:
[email protected]
This email is protected against spam-bots, you have to activate javascript to make sure it comes through.
Buzznet (video posted earlier)
Q1: I noticed that there's more back up singing now in your performances. Can the fans expect more singers in the group other than Bill now?
Tom: I don't believe it! I think George and Gustav are brilliant singers too *Bill laughs* And, you know, to be honest, I'm the best singer in the band.
Georg: But he's too nervous(?)
Tom: But Bill needs a job, so...I think he always is our singer.
Q2: You're often times compared to Cinema Bizarre. What do you think about their music and style?
Bill: We are not really in this topic. I don't know so much about the group. I just saw one picture or something. I don't know their music, the guys, so *laughs*
Q3: How long does it take Bill to do your hair in the morning?
Bill: Not too long. I think George needs more time. You know, I think 45 minutes, but not only the hair, I think taking a shower and everything. You just need a little hairspray.
Q4: Which side of the bed do you guys sleep on?
Tom: In the tour bus, you have just one side.
Bill: It's pretty small.
Tom: But I think if I had a big bed...
Gustav: I always sleep in the middle
Georg: Always always there with the telephone
Tom: Yea, where the telephone is.
Bill: For me it's right!
Q5: Which member of your band can burp the loudest?
Gustav: Bill! Definitely Bill.
Bill: *laughs* You wouldn't expect that, but it's definitely me!
Q6: Jade from AFI has made a remix of your song RSG. What AFI song would you guys want to remix?
Bill: *makes DJ squeaky motion* Oh, we are not good remixxers, you know.
Tom: George is a good DJ..
Gustav: Good dancer.
Bill: It wouldn't be hard to make a remix
Q6:What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
Bill: Oh, I love caramel brownie.
Tom: I like lemon.
Gustav: Stracciatella (vanilla ice cream with choclate streaks)
Georg: For me, it's strawberry.
Q7: Are you guys thinking of acting at any point.
Bill: Synchonized movie in Germany (Arthur und die Minimoys). I think I would try it, but I have so much respect for them, because I think I'm not so good. But I really want to try it one time. But I'm not sure in which movie, it's not fixed, but I think in the future. Why not!
Tom: I think we have our own TV show, Tokio Hotel TV. We don't have to act, but it's also difficult.
Bill: No, I think I would love to play a vampire. That would be cool.
Tom: It would be crazy
House of Blues, Dallas - 27.08.08
1.Break Away
2. Final Day
3.1000 Oceans
4.Love is Dead
5.Live Every Second
9.Don't Jump
10.Raise your Hands
11.Ready, Set, Go
12.By Your Side
1º Encore
13.Rescue Me
2º Encore
14.Durch den Monsun
Break Away
Buzznet interview 20/8-08
Tokio Hotel News

There are only a few days left to vote for Tokio Hotel at this year's MTV VMAs. Make sure to support Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg as much as you can over these last days to help them get to the top in the category BEST NEW ARTIST!!!

For the special occasion of the VMAs Tokio Hotel also came up with their own Video Playlist on Imeem - it features some of the guys' personal highlights from past VMA artists. Go check it out HERE!
Hot Topic just added a cool new Tokio Hotel shirt. Click HERE to get all the details or visit a Hot Topic store close to you to check it out...and don't forget that Hot Topic also has some other wicked Tokio Hotel shirts waiting for YOU!!!
Polls just opened for this year's MTV EMAs which will take place in Liverpool! Can we make it happen again and get an EMA Award like we did last year for Tokio Hotel? Support Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg now in the categories BEST ACT EVER and HEADLINER!

A brand new TH TV episode premiered last night - make sure to watch it - make sure to watch it over at Tokio Hotel's official YouTube channel and while you're there don't forget to subscribe.
Tokio Hotel TV [Episode 41]: Shopping Madness with Bill!
Tokio Hotel: The Latest German Export
Long-Haired Rockers Are the Antidote to the Jonas Brothers
By MONICA DE LA ROSAAug. 27, 2008

Move over Heidi Klum and Hugo Boss. The new ambassadors of German popular culture have arrived in the United States, but they're not what you'd expect.
Tokio Hotel may sound like a new Japanese resort, but it's actually a group of four rocker guys whose singer is often mistaken for a girl but is actually the identical twin of the dreadlock-haired guitarist. Puzzled yet? The band scored two No. 1 albums in its native Germany, and yet most of the band members aren't even old enough to legally drink here.
Tokio Hotel's sharp rise to fame, from playing school concerts and weddings a few years ago in its hometown of Magdeburg, a hundred miles southwest of Berlin, to currently selling out venues in New Jersey, San Francisco and Chicago, can arguably be seen as Internet-driven. The band has amassed a frenzied fan base of mostly young women who take the title of the band's first English album, "Scream," seriously -- by doing just that at a mere glimpse of the band.
Wendy is a young fan from Brooklyn, N.Y., but jokingly claims, "Ich bin ein Deutsch!" She thinks the band is "hot," but also found the music to be so powerful it "can bring tears" to her eyes. "Tokio Hotel ist der beste!," says Doris, 18, who says she is learning German because of her interest in the band.
"I've spent over $600 this past week for all the tickets I just bought and the traveling I have to do," said Kiila, a 20-year-old student who plans to attend as many concerts as she can on the band's tour through North America this month. She spent four days hanging around Times Square near MTV's studio in the hopes of meeting the band, which recently hosted the network's show "TRL."
Like the launch of some resplendent blitzkrieg, Tokio Hotel is eager to conquer American shores. Its success abroad draws comparisons here as the "Jonas Brothers of Germany" -- if the Jonas Brothers were a long-haired, sexually ambiguous-looking act, blending genres from pop to glam rock to hip-hop.
Tattooed lead singer Bill Kaulitz, 18, is rarely seen without black eye makeup and with his hair, also dyed black, styled in a gravity-defying lion's mane. Born in the Internet and video game era, he already seems astutely aware of the power of the visual, and credits the Internet with the band's breakthrough outside Germany. "Especially as newcomers, it's really important to have the Internet, where people can talk about you and listen to your music," he said in accented English. When thousands of fan Web sites, blogs and YouTube postings began sprouting up worldwide, its record company noticed.
"The fans outside of Germany send us e-mails, they come together and shoot a video or something, and they say please come to wherever, Israel, whereever," Kaulitz said. So the band did -- not only Israel , but France, Italy, Switzerland, Russia and other countries, often selling out stadiums and fulfilling a kind of prophecy of the band's chosen name -- which band members changed from "Devilish" in 2005 -- which evokes their love of foreign destinations.
"It was always our dream to travel the world and play in big cities and ...," Kaulitz starts to say before his twin, Tom, chimes in, "and to stay in good hotels!"
Although the two often complete each other's thoughts, Tom Kaulitz, who plays lead guitar, prefers the almost opposite look of his sibling -- baggy clothes, a sports cap around blond dreads and a lip piercing. Drummer Gustav Schäfer and bass-guitarist Georg Listing complete the four-member band.
Adoration: From Internet to Miles-Long Fan Letter
Several female fans admit to first being intrigued by the band's looks and mash-up styles, but insist they became hooked, some even obsesses, when listening to the songs. In Germany, the band is a household name, and girls stalk its recording studio, hiding with cameras behind bushes. Pieces of the Kaulitz twins' former school bus stop were auctioned off last week on eBay for thousands of euros (no bids though). The quartet once received a fan letter that was more than 7 miles long. (They didn't read the whole thing.)
The Goethe Institute claims increasing interest in its German language classes because of the band, especially in its Paris branch. The San Francisco office organized a concert ticket giveaway earlier this year, and deputy director Anna Weber said in one day without any promotion "we got 80 to 120 e-mails. We got so many phone calls, you have no idea. We thought they were unknown here."
The Internet has made it easy for fans to chat and share stories with others around the world who share their passion. After a concert ends, girls post videos and pictures from their cameras and phones capturing the band's performances, it seems, from every possible angle.
The boys have mastered the quality of being exotic, and yet approachable, online. They make video appeals for fans' award votes and post weekly "Tokio Hotel TV" Web episodes as a way "to take the fans with us." The band was stopped only momentarily in March, when it had to cancel several concerts so Bill Kaulitz could have surgery to remove a cyst on his vocal chords.
These teenage rockers are becoming accustomed to the idea of growing up in front of the eyes of a 24/7 media world. "Our whole life changed from one day to another," Kaulitz said. "We have so much inspiration. It's everywhere. ... So I always have a pen with me and a laptop, and I write everything down." The band has started to work on its new album, which it will release in German and English. The band writes and plays its own music but is helped by a team of four producers. "We are like a big family," Kaulitz said.
That family seems to have landed on a winning combination of lyrics laced with "emo" angst, wrapped in a flamboyant pop-rock package. It's PG-rated but still edgy enough for younger fans. Songs range from catchy pop anthems to anti-suicide messages to appealing rock ballads. Tokio Hotel seems to straddle the line between boy band fad and hopeful rock icons, but where it will eventually end up is unpredictable.
Tokio Hotel Vs. Miley Cyrus
"Scream" landed in U.S. stores in May and peaked at No. 39 on the Billboard 200, selling quite a bit less below the multiplatinum status the band achieved in Europe, but you wouldn't know it by the Internet hype. This month fans voted online to give Tokio Hotel two MTV Video Music Award nominations for best new artist and best pop video, pitting the band against best-selling artists like Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears. "We think we have no chance, but it's just great being nominated," Bill Kaulitz said.
Right now, the band is just awestruck at the attention they are getting in America. "The fans voted so much for us, it's a great feeling," Tom Kaulitz said. "It's really a big deal for a German band to have the chance to go to the U.S."
One would have to go back almost a generation when a German band last achieved huge crossover success in America. In the 1980s. The Scorpions topped the charts with songs like "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and artist Nena scored big with her Cold War-era protest song "99 Luftballoons." Incidentally, watching Nena as a child was what inspired Bill Kaulitz to become a singer, he said.
But for every "next big thing," there can be an eventual backlash. "I don't really want them to get really famous here," posted "Isabella" on Tokio Hotel's U.S fan site. "Getting big also brings about the question of them losing sight of their German culture."
As fans grow, so do "haters" of the band, who create and upload anti-Tokio Hotel videos and Web pages. The Internet has other dangerous downsides. Recently in France, a young man was arrested for allegedly posing as Bill Kaulitz in chat rooms, convincing young girls to send him naked pictures, which he then posted on the Web. The band says it doesn't have personal accounts like MySpace, other than its official Web sites, just for this reason.
But most of the fans simply want to concentrate on the good stuff, like one young brunette who waited on a New York City street to see the band when it visited. She is crying but smiling, her teeth lined in braces. "I got Bill's autograph. .... I got their autograph, and I love them!" she cried, wiping tears from her eyes with neon-polished fingertips, just another uber-happy Tokio Hotel fan.
ANAHEIM - from Buzznet
RU Bravo # 34 - Translation
Very soon, on September 1, we will be celebrating the 19th birthday of the Kaulitz twins.
But for now, let's take a look at all the events that have taken place recently in the life of Tokio Hotel.
Success and Achievements
Bill Kaulitz has everything necessary for a successful career: talent, a look, money, the love of the fans. But there is one thing missing for the total happiness of every young man - a good car! This month Bill finally got his driver's license and immediately bought a luxurious, silver convertible from BMW, for almost 100 000 Euros. Aside from that, the group is among the nominees for the MTV VMAs in the "Best New Artist" category. This, yet again, proves that the boys are successfully conquering the Unites States and are already quite popular in this country. You can vote for the guys on MTV's official website ( The Award show is very soon- on September 7.
This month, Tokio Hotel is also celebrating another important event: exactly three years ago, the August of 2005, the single "Durch Den Monsun" was released, which made Tokio Hotel known to the world. With that song started the band's history. And with that song these boys changed the world of music forever.
Indecent Proposal
The twins are getting older, which means, that the scandals, that they are sometimes involved in, are getting bigger too. Not that long ago, a few girls declared that Bill spends the nights in different online chatrooms, using his big name and fame to get the girls to send him naked pictures. But we know that Bill would never dare to take advantage of the love of his fans, with such low behaviour. The police did an investigation and caught an 18-year-old Frenchman, who, for few weeks was posing on the internet as Bill Kaulitz and making the girls believe that he really is the "real" Bill. During the contact with the girls, the false-Bill was very friendly and caring, so it took awhile to find out about the fraud. But the Frenchman took too much advantage of Bill's fans, and this brought about hard consequences. At first the girls were nervous to send the poser their naked pictures. They were suspicious, but still sent the photos. Finally, the law enforcements were able to trace the guy and found him in a small town in France. With him, they found many photographs of naked girls in erotic positions. The police were in shock, when they found out that some of the girls were only 11-years-old. Now the dude will have to pay a large fine. When we contacted Bill for a comment about the event, he assured us and all of his fans, that neither he nor anyone else from the group ever were and ever will be at these online chatrooms. They just don't have the time.
Pic Captions (Clock-wise from the top)
Page 1
- The boys had fans waiting for them at the New York airport.
- Tokio Hotel are being pulled in different directions. Despite their tight schedule,
they promise to come to Russia. You will know about the concert dates first in BRAVO!
- Bill tries to pay attention to each fan.
- Even on the streets of New York the boys are greeted by large groups of fans.
- The tough American cops protect the boys like "the apple of the eye"..
- ...But the love of the fans cannot be stopped.
Page 2
- The future "Birthday-boys" are ready to party.
- There is no limit to the excitement of the American fans.
- Today the guys of Tokio Hotel are welcomed guests on MTV,
but once they couldn't even dream of such tremendous success.
Translated by: Aella @ THA
Fan party in Köln- 3 years with TH
Bravo nr: 36 grr!

Google translation =P sorry for misspelling!
Between old pizza cartons and empty cola cans was a simple microphone, it smelled musty. About three years ago Bill (18), Tom (18), Gustav (19) and Georg (21) rehearsed in a dark warehouse in Magdeburg.
Today, they stand on the roof of the coolest designer hotel in San Francisco. Tomorrow, they play a sold out concert at Fillmore Theatre before 1,200 fans. What a sensational career!
BRAVO met the guys in California. With their XXL sun glasses they pose exclusively for us. On 7 September, they will appear on the hottest pop-party in the world: The MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles where they will sit alongside the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Brittney Spears, Rihanna and Madonna. The superstars from Sachen-Anhalt can hardly grasp it: "It's a great honor for us. We look totally forward to it. Just to be there is a dream," Tom says.
A truly incredible dream began for Tom and Bill in the 665-inhabitant village Loitsche. Among the first photo shoots in Magdeburg Gustav was still on a bicycle. The twins trudelten with the S-Bahn. According to George, turned on the street still no man.
What kind of madness on the other hand there recently was in New York. At the MTV show "TRL" at Times Square rasteten the fans total. The four rockers were could hardly go to the doors of their luxury cars.
"When we have begun 2005, none of us expected times in the U.S. tour," says Bill. "We hoped for success and thought it would be cool to perform at 'Factory," the largest club in Magdeburg,
But back to San Francisco, back to today. It is true that life have changed, but the guys still remain on the ground. They are open and know exactly what they want - and what not! Tom makes spells as ever. But the slight Sachsen accent has disappeared. Three years after its Superhit "Through the Monsoon", they are on top. Bill: "Many experts thought we would only be a one-hit wonder. But we are still here and we are incredibly proud."
In a big series Tokio Hotel they tell Bravo everything about their happiest moments, their biggest defeats, the craziest experiences from next week in BRAVO!
cred to
Polls just opened for this year´s MTV EMAs which will take place in Liverpool! Can we make it happen again and get an EMA Award like we did last year for Tokio Hotel? Support Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg now in the categories BEST ACT EVER and HEADLINER! Click HERE to start voting now!!!
Best Act Ever!
So its now time to vote again!! You know they should win both so we have to do our job so they get them okay??
Berliner Kourier - David Jost about new album
So strong is their new album! Bill bubbles from new ideas. It is truly rocking!
Tokio Hotel will be going back into the Studio:
Screech! Nix with a vacation by the sea: after their U.S. tour Tokio Hotel dives into the studio in order to slave with their new album that will be released at the beginning of 2009 and which will be rockier.
For the four boys from Magdeburg there is no time to rest. On their U.S. tour they just make the kids in America scream. And after the MTV Awards ceremony in Los Angeles in September, where they are nominated next to Britney Spears for the best video and nominated as best newcomer, it will be home and into the studio.
There is already enough material for the third TH-album. "Bill has been coming with new song ideas for months," says their manager David Jost. "He uses every spare minute to write songs."
Tokio Hotel plans to make the record even harder than the previous albums.
"We will be recording the album in both the
German and English versions," says Jost. The German version will be publiced from January to March 2009 and the English one a little later in the United States.
Jost: "There are also some German sung songs on it."
Christmas should all be ready. Only then may Tokio Hotel have a vacation. Jost: "They will probably fly back to some postcard island." The last vacation the band spent in the Maldives.
If Tokio Hotel are going to have a concert here in Sweden. We have not heard anything but if we do we will tell you as quick as possible and that goes for all concerts!!
So you know there is only 2 concerts left in the US now!!
Then they are busy making the new CD so we will see what is up next for us!
Funny faces by Kaulitz twins
Tokio Hotel Bei Rent a Poocher - Halloween
Tom Kaulitz - Schnappi
Bill - Spider Pig
Bill Loves Cake
Happy Meal - translation on its way!

Oops! 8/08
ESP Super Pop # 794
Bravo #260
New TH shirt at Hot Topic!
Cool Magazine
German rock band Tokio Hotel has sold over two million copies all over the world. Thanks to the success of their first album in English, Scream, they're ready to conquer America. Meeting with the twins Bill and Tom!
Sometimes, the fans get over excited for seeing their idols. What was the most surprising thing you've ever saw?
Bill: In Los Angeles entered our hotel room through the window. We were at the second floor. We still don't know how she climbed so high! And a fan also gave us a star as a present. Somewhere in the sky there's a star called Tokio Hotel.
Tom: Our fans come from far places, and they sleep wherever they can just to see us. That's truly cool.
Which song is your favourite to play on stage?
Tom: "Raise Your Hands". We wrote that song especially for the audience, for our fans.
Bill: In my opinion, I really like the song "Scream", because it's one of our first songs. It's really good to be able to perform on stage and hear the crowd singing with you.
Which are the highlights and bad moments when touring?
Bill: The most difficult thing is that we don't have, at all, private life. We're everyday on the road, don't have our own bed and can't be with our family and friends. Sometimes, it's pretty rough.
Tom: However, that allows us to perform on stage, and then all is worth it. We like the promotion, the interviews, the photos... but what we like the most are the shows.
Bill: We also love to travel everywhere, and sleeping in different cities each night.
Do you carry with you the same things to anyplace you go?
Bill: Each member of the band carries seven or eight suitcases, which make us, have a lot of baggage. As I don't have a fixed residence, I always take everything I have with me.
Tom: We take everything we have with us.
Which music did you use to listen to when you were younger?
Bill: We're all different from each other, even when it comes to music. I love Coldplay and Keane.
Tom: When I started playing guitar, I listened to Aerosmith. I was also a great Joe Perry's fan. Now, in my free time, I listen to a lot of German hip-hop.
Do you have any crush for some celebrity?
Bill: Tom and I love the Olsen twins!
Tom: I guess that's because they're twins like us. I also love Jessica Alba, Heidi Klum... too long list!
Your new album contains songs from your two first albums. How did you choose the songs?
Tom: We simply choose the ones we preferred.
Bill: We wanted to select diverse songs and still confirm that we were Tokio Hotel. In the album you can find ballads and tracks with some more rhythm.
Is there any song you wanted to include in the album, but still you haven't?
Tom: No, we selected all the songs we wanted.
If you could go on tour with any band, which one would you choose?
Tom: I would love to go on tour with a girl's band, like The Pussycat Dolls! *laughs*
Bill: Every rock band wants to go on tour with The Rolling Stones! That would be awesome!
In which country the fans are more intense?
Bill: That's hard to say. I think we have the best fans in the whole world, no matter if we're in Europe, the US or Canada. It's insane!
Tom: We're very welcomed in every place we visit.
Bill: The fans are always there for us. Plus, they camp outside the venues where we perform. That's really unbelievable!
You got big success around the world. Do you thing it's weird to start it all over again in America?
Tom: Yes, for a German band it's a great opportunity visiting the US.
Bill: It's amazing: three years ago we couldn't believe we would be so successful in Germany and Europe. We didn't even think about coming to the US and also perform in Canada. We're very happy.
Are you happy with the reactions from the American public?
Tom: We're just starting... But this success we're having is way more than we ever expected.
Which American city is your favourite now?
Tom: We can't answer that, because we've only visited New York and Los Angeles.
Bill: I loved NY, but I also liked L.A. There we could go to the beach every days, and it's always beautiful!
Tom: The girls are really cute in both cities. That's important!
Where does the name Tokio Hotel comes from?
Bill: In the beginning we were Devilish. But we wanted to find a different name, a suitable one. All of us love big cities so, we chose Tokyo (Tokio in German). Once we dreamed about travelling all over the world and sleeping in hotels, we added Hotel.
Where do you see yourselves in the end of 2008?
We have many concerts in the next months. Then, we'll be working in studio. We will write new songs and record a new album. I hope we can do it all by the end of the year!
cred to Ines @
Tom gets a kiss on the cheek =)
Haha he seems happy XD
This week and next week are YOUR chance to WIN tickets to see Tokio Hotel LIVE in concert in Houston and next week you´ll also get a chance to WIN Meet & Greet passes as well! HOT 95.7 has some wicked stuff going on! They´re turning August 26th into Tokio Tuesday and of course they´ll be giving away tickets incl. Meet & Greet passes on that day. But that's not all! Don´t miss out on your chance and tune into radio station 104.1 KRBE for another opportunity to get your hands on tickets and Meet & Greet passes to show. So be sure to listen to HOT 95.7 & 104.1 KRBE!!
Answers for VMA times:
Norway & Germany: (night Sunday to Monday) 02-05 on MTV
7th September - (night Sunday-Monday) 02-05 (Swedish time)
01-04 (English time)
20-23 (New York, US)
If you want to know when its sent in your country just write a comment and we'll tell you ; )
Concerts left in the US!
[x] 8/8 - 08 - Skivsignering av Scream, Sayreville, New Jersey
[x] 9/8 - 08 - Hot Air Balloon Festival of St. Jean, Quebec, Canada
[x] 11/8 - 08 - House Of Blues, Cleveland, Ohio
[x] 12/8 - 08 - The Fillmore, Detroit, Michigan
[x] 15/8 -08 - Skivsignering av Scream, Chicago, Illinois
[x] 16/8 - 08 - Myth, St. Paul, Minneapolis
[x] 20/8 - 08 - House Of Blues, Anaheim, California
[x] 22/8 - 08 - House Of Blues, Las Vegas, Nevada
[ ] 25/8 - 08 - Gothic Theatre, Denver, Colorado
[ ] 27/8 - 08 - House Of Blues, Dallas, Texas
[ ] 28/8 - 08 - Verizon Wireless Theater, Houston, Texas

The guys from Tokio Hotel are revolutionizing the United States.
The TV channel MTV has dedicated a whole week for them showing their clips. Besides, Bill and his companions will present some programs and will also sing live!
But the best about all this is that Tokio Hotel has been nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards in the category of the best video pop for their song "Ready, Set, Go!". It won't be easy, though, as they will have many competitors like Britney Spears with "Piece of me" and the Jonas Brothers with "Burnin' up". The prize giving ceremony will take place in Los Angeles on September 9th.
We wish them a lot of luck.
Revista Cool - Canada
VMA Best New Artist Playlist Imeem Intro by Tokio Hotel
Harrison Photos - Las Vegas 22.08.08
We just received some pretty amazing news from Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg! The guys announced that if they win one Video Music Award in Los Angeles this year then they'll not only celebrate with their American fans at the VMAs. no, they will also organize a cool Tokio Hotel VMA fan party shortly after the VMAs in a European city (yes, the guys will be there too!!!)
and Tokio Hotel will also do a HUGE signing session in that European city! YOU guys can make this happen - all you need to do is click HERE, vote for Tokio Hotel in the category BEST NEW ARTIST and make them #1! Before you start the voting action you need to create a free account - click HERE to register and don't forget: Voting in the category BEST NEW ARTIST is unlimited.
(P.S. @ SweetJane, om du inte förstår engelska så vet jag inte vad man ska göra, vi kommer inte att ändra språk till tillexempel svenska eftersom de flesta läsare kan engelska!! D.S.)
Tokio Hotel - CosmoGIRL Confessions
The twins got to fill in this form : )
- 1 TIME
"Heure hier Morgen dort" by Hannes Warger
- 1 TIME
I've never been in love..
I'm not good at singing so I don't sing
"Cook food"
Interview with Tom : )
He delights us! His style is so personal; it's one of a kind. "When we were kids we used to go on holidays to the Spanish coast," the singer of Tokio Hotel reminded us. Will they please us with another visit? Spain has tons of beaches!
Tom and the girls: «I collect preys»
It's said that having a girl in each port is a natural thing for you...
That's true. I can't deny it. I'm a young boy and there are so many pretty girls out there, I couldn't commit with only one of them.
Try to remind and tell us how many girls you've been with.
Ok, around 25 girls!
That's a bit scary, isn't it? How old have you started?
At the age of 12. Since then I haven't had any trouble. I think the girls notice that I'm the one with more experience, so they can't get away from me. (Laughs)
What is your tactic, to keep them in your hands?
Honestly, I don't have any special trick. It depends a lot on the situation, the girl, the way I'm feeling...
What bugs you the most?
When they play naive and make me waste my time. I'm a hunter who collects his preys. I like to hunt them slowly.
And what should they have to be "hunted"?
There are few girls to whom I'd say no. If I do it, it's for lack of time. A day only has 24 hours!!!
Now tell us a place where you like to make love...
I really like to do it in the shower.
And the rarest place you've ever done it...
In a park. The truth is that it wasn't too good as I expected. Besides, there were too many bugs, and I hate it!!! So, I'd rather do it at home.
Your worst experience was...
When I was 14, I was totally making out with a girl and my mom got home. It was my second time, and she cut of the mood.
Is there something that bothers you?
Yeah, I don't like when they get cheesy. I think that in sex people should talk less and scream more!!!
Do you use to take fans with you to yout hotel room?
A few. (laughs) If she's pretty and if I like to be with her, I ask for her number and later I call her, to give mine or something like that...
And with all those one-night-stands, did u ever fall in love?
I haven't found anyone so far. The truth is that I don't believe in love. Well, I do on that love of one night!
So, doing something crazy for love is out of sight, right?
I never did anything silly for women. The longest relationship I've ever had lasted two years, but I wasn't in love at all...
Do you think you'll ever have something more serious?
I don't know. I don't say no to a serious relationship, but I don't want it for now.
Do you think you're different from your brother?
Yes. Bill, for example, has been with girls, but now he wants to keep himself for his true love. I prefer to keep trying until I find it!
Let's make it easier, how's your ideal girl?
I don't have a concrete type. And if I had it, I wouldn't tell you, or else I couldn't go out anymore.
Do you have any sex myth? I really like the Olsen twins, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba and the girls from the Playboy Mansion. I don't have a bad taste, do I?
Article from the San Fran concert
The best way to describe the glam-metal-emo-pop-tween group is like the Jonas Brothers for girls who prefer chipped black nail polish and fishnet stockings to unicorn puffy stickers and purity rings. Because the Magedburg-bred quartet has already dominated Europe in every way possible - selling more than 6 million CDs and DVDs since forming in 2001, playing for 500,000 people beneath the Eiffel Tower, filling their parents' homes with various statuettes - Tokio Hotel has had no recourse but to turn its attention to America.
When they finally walked onstage, you half expected kohl-eyed front man Bill Kaulitz, 18, identical twin brother and guitarist Tom, bassist Georg Listing, 21, and drummer Gustav Schäfer, 19, to be holding Guitar Hero controllers rather than real instruments. The group's songs have a whiff of late-period Smashing Pumpkins, all chugging metal riffs and overheated wailing on metal throwbacks like "Monsoon" and "Love Is Dead." But the lyrics (roughly translated) and carefully studied rock-star poses seem custom-made for people whose primary source of music is "Donkey Kong 18″ or whatever.
Still, it's hard to resist an androgynous singer with extra large hair and extra small jeans. Bill Kaulitz doesn't have much range, but was extremely down to earth and had a way of making teen angst sound downright life-affirming, especially when in his broken English on "Ready, Set, Go!" he sang, "Together we can make it while the world is crashing down."
That song just earned Tokio Hotel a nomination at the MTV Video Music Awards, which is pitting the group against heavyweights like Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and, yes, the Jonas Brothers. The possibility of having to let its secret go mainstream only made the fan base all the more rabid. The girls filling out the front of the venue screamed when Bill Kaulitz splashed them with water from his bottle. They screamed when he held up a megaphone before singing the title track from the group's U.S. debut, "Scream." They even screamed for the black curtain that silently hung onstage before the band arrived at the venue. Accordingly, there was no opening act, because as the group's manager noted before the set, "They would be killed."
New info about the new album...
Bill bubbling over from new ideas. It is true rocking.
Norbert Koch-Klaucke
Kreisch! Nix with a vacation by the sea: Tokio hotel dive after their U.S. tour into the studio in order for her new album schuften the beginning of 2009 and still appear to be rock.
For the boys Magdeburg is no time to rest. On their U.S. tour they just bring the kids in America back to circle Chen. And after the MTV Awards ceremony in Los Angeles in September, where they are next to Britney Spears for the best video and nominated as best newcomer, is home and into the studio.
Material for the third TH-album already, there's enough. "Bill has always been going on for months with new song ideas," says her manager David Jost. "Every spare minute to use them to write songs."
Even harder than the previous albums, the panel will have to Tokio hotel. "We will be back on the plate German and English record," says Jost. The German version will be from January to March 2009 appear a little later the English in the United States. Jost: "There are also some German songs sung it."
Christmas should all be ready. Only then may leave Tokio hotel. Jost: "Probably they fly back on any postcard island." The last band spent the holidays in the Maldives.
Young Tom & Bill
Vote HERE, and press on the button that says Rösta (which means Vote)
Publiced on the 25th of July.
Tokio Hotel is practicing in a studio for an album that will be released in november. The group from Berlin, Tokio Hotel, the true phenomenon from the past two years, has returned to the studio for an album that has to be available in november.
The title of the album isn't known yet.
There will be two versions of this new record: a german cd and an english one.
The first song of the album will be played on the radio in October.
In two years, Tokio Hotel has developed to a true phenomenon with their sometimes gothic rock, mystic and androgyny. They furnish proof of that in the charts: millions of concerttickets sold, two albums which were platinum in the majority of the european countries and very loyal fans. The members of the group perfectly incarnate the universe of the youth and are centered in the rockscene. (?)
Because of the huge succes, different labels have launched other german artists like Wir Sind Helden or Killerpilze, they didn't reach the same succes though.
Source: french Relaxnews
Superfan contest!
Nella has created an awesome shrine on the MTV Superfan website dedicated to Tokio Hotel, which shows her dedication to the boys. With your help, she has the chance to meet Tokio Hotel anywhere in the world!
You can vote for her here, but please note that you can only vote once a day!
cred to
M&G in Riga
TEENMAG questions & answers =)
On teenmags website TH fans could ask the band some are the answers!
1. How did you get in to music?
Bill: We all started really early. Tom and I started when we were about seven. Back then
it was only the two of us. Tom got into playing the guitar because of our step dad and I really
wanted to sing - I was always too lazy to learn an instrument :-). We started writing our own
songs and performed wherever we could - at weddings, birthday parties and little clubs.
Gustav: I started playing the drums when I was about five. I always used to drum with my
fingers on everything that came along :-) - so my parents decided to give it a real try and got me lessons.
Georg: I was in high school when my friends decided to start a band. They where looking for a
bass player and I thought "That's pretty cool, I can do that" that's how I started.
2. You've just been nominated for Best Pop Video at the MTV VMA's. How does it feel to
be gaining so much success here in the U.S.?
Bill: Oh my god, it is sooooo amazing and we're all so excited. This is something we didn't
dare to dream of!
Tom: We all freaked out when we received the great news. Our fans are really amazing
and we can't believe that they made this happen for us.
3. Why did you pick Tokio Hotel to be your new band name?
Tom: That happened a few years ago. We decided to look for a new band name when we
started to work in the studio - so it must've been at least five years ago. That was a really
new beginning for us and we wanted to start with a name that really fit us.
4. Bill, what is your favorite song that you wrote?
Bill: That's really hard and I can't actually pick one ‘cause every song has a special meaning
to me and is personal. But if I had to I probably would choose "Live Every Second" - that's one
of the first songs I wrote. I was eight or nine back then.
5. Were the four of you always interested in music?
Bill: Yes, music has always been what we all wanted to do. We put all our time and energy in
music. During the week we went to school and on the weekends we played wherever we could.
What we are doing today is all we ever wanted. And I can't even imagine what I would have
become besides a singer.
Tom: Hmmm, if I wasn't a musician I would probably work at the playboy mansion as
Hugh Hefner's personal assistant. (lol) Georg would work as construction worker and do a lot
of body building in his free time and Gustav would be a trucker!
6. Tom: Is it true that you still have your teddy bear?
Tom: You must be talking about Georg. He has his one with him all the time. And guess
what name he gave him?? Tom!!!
Georg: Ohhhhhh sure....
7. What do you like to do during your free time??
Bill: Sleep! We sleep in as long as possible.
Tom: If nobody wakes me up I sleep ‘till the afternoon.
Georg: Yeah, sleeping, eating, sleeping again, watching DVDs and going to bed
Bill: Gustav is a little different - he's really an early bird.
Gustav: Yes, I wake up quiet early and then I like to meet friends, ride my bike, do all kinds of
sports and spend time with my family.
8. Did any of you guys have imaginary friends when you were younger and if so, what
were their names?
All (laughing): NO!
Tom (laughing): Well, to tell you a secret: Georg has some imaginary friends and they
might be his only ones besides us...
9. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Bill: Hopefully on stage!
All: Yes!
Bill: We really want to do this as long as possible - till we're old and gray :-)
10. Which part of the world that have you visited have you liked the most?
Bill: Ohhh, that's a hard one...! Each and every single country has it's own nice and special qualities,
they are all very different and hard to compare!
Tom: In Russia there are the best parties.
Georg: We all love Italian food - so Italy is great as well.
Gustav: Yeah, and the French have such a sweet accent "Guestaw"...
Bill: We also love America! The food, N.Y. , L.A., the weather is so great, and as we are traveling
through the middle of the country now we are learning that there are lots of amazing places
to discover, it's just awesome!
Tom: I have to say, there are hot girls everywhere, I wanna meet them all! But we are always
happy to come home once in a while to be with our families and friends, that is so important!
TH TV Episode 40

Detroit - Michigan
San Francisco - California
Todays Concert
TMF Awards
International Best Album (Zimmer 483 Live In Europe)
International Best Video (Don't Jump)
International Best Live
International Best Pop
International Best Rock
You can vote for them right here.
cred to =)
San Francisco
Minnesota 16/08/08
M&G in Sayreville
Super Pop #338

Tokio Hotel - They live their best moment
They made it!!! Never a german band has made so much sucess in the USA...Do you want to know how their last days have been?
A-MA-ZING!!! That's how the last days of our four boys have been...They arrived to the USA in the beginning of the month and they'll stay there till the 29th! Only after will they have right to rest...or not...because they're nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards, that will happen next September!
A week on TRL
It's not every band that is invited to appear during a whole week in one of the most watched programms of the American TV, TRL! But Tokio Hotel are special and in the week they've arrived to the US they went to the programm every day, which to top it is broacasted all over the world through MTV! They loved to be there and showed themselves pretty at ease! They even spoke always in english and all!!! What TH enjoyed the most was the possibility to be closer to the fans (the audience was always packed with them, some from far away), that made them lots of questions... And they didn't deny answers! It was very nice!!!
Big tour
But defenitely what has given more pleasure to our boys are the concerts! The tour includes nine shows through the country (and one in Canada) which demands lots of energy! But who runs for pleasure, never gets tired, right? And Bill has already said in an interview: «It was always our dream to perform in America». Dream accomplished!!!
Two nominations
But what's happening to Tokio Hotel goes way beyond their dreams!!! They never thought of being nominated to the MTV Video Music Awards and right now they're on the run for the award, not in one but in two categories... That's right they're candidates to the award «Best New Artist», with «Monsoon», and «Best Pop Video», with «Ready, Set, Go», better than this only if they win... and for that you can vote!!! Go right now to www. and register!!!
translation by STERN
cred to
Black mag poster
Black magazine

Tom and the girls: «I collect preys»
It's said that having a girl in each port is a natural thing for you...
That's true. I can't deny it. I'm a young boy and there are so many pretty girls out there, I couldn't commit with only one of them.
Try to remind and tell us how many girls you've been with.
Ok, around 25 girls!
That's a bit scary, isn't it? How old have you started?
At the age of 12. Since then I haven't had any trouble. I think the girls notice that I'm the one with more experience, so they can't get away from me. (Laughs)
What is your tactic, to keep them in your hands?
Honestly, I don't have any special trick. It depends a lot on the situation, the girl, the way I'm feeling...
What bugs you the most?
When they play naive and make me waste my time. I'm a hunter who collects his preys. I like to hunt them slowly.
And what should they have to be "hunted"?
There are few girls to whom I'd say no. If I do it, it's for lack of time. A day only has 24 hours!!!
Now tell us a place where you like to make love...
I really like to do it in the shower.
And the rarest place you've ever done it...
In a park. The truth is that it wasn't too good as I expected. Besides, there were too many bugs, and I hate it!!! So, I'd rather do it at home.
Your worst experience was...
When I was 14, I was totally making out with a girl and my mom got home. It was my second time, and she cut of the mood.
Is there something that bothers you?
Yeah, I don't like when they get cheesy. I think that in sex people should talk less and scream more!!!
Do you use to take fans with you to your hotel room?
A few. (laughs) If she's pretty and if I like to be with her, I ask for her number and later I call her, to give mine or something like that...
And with all those one-night-stands, did u ever fall in love?
I haven't found anyone so far. The truth is that I don't believe in love. Well, I do on that love of one night!
So, doing something crazy for love is out of sight, right?
I never did anything silly for women. The longest relationship I've ever had lasted two years, but I wasn't in love at all...
Do you think you'll ever have something more serious?
I don't know. I don't say no to a serious relationship, but I don't want it for now.
Do you think you're different from your brother?
Yes. Bill, for example, has been with girls, but now he wants to keep himself for his true love. I prefer to keep trying until I find it!
Let's make it easier, how's your ideal girl?
I don't have a concrete type. And if I had it, I wouldn't tell you, or else I couldn't go out anymore.
Do you have any sex myth?
I really like the Olsen twins, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba and the girls from the Playboy Mansion. I don't have a bad taste, do I?
Hahah enjoy gals!
Little Reminder
Tomorrow is our first day at school, which means that the blog won't be updated while we're there (daah =P) And Ica is at the moment in Greece (that lucky pie!) She usually updates in the morning, while I cant do that (my computer is too slow xD) so there won't be any updates until I come home. But on monday, Ica is home and everything will go back to normal.
...Hugs and Kisses
Bill St. Paul!
Myth Nightclub St. Paul stage

Teenmag day 10!

Bill ponders life on the road
Hi everyone!
Today we had a day off in Chicago and it was gorgeous. But let's start from the beginning - at the Detroit show and the Oakland signing session at Hot Topic. Well, the show in Detroit was awesome since the venue there was really beautiful and the fans were just incredible...we couldn't ask for anything better!
the day after the show we departed on our tour bus for Oakland where we met our fans in one of the Hot Topic stores in a mall. The employees at the store were at least as astounded as we at how many fans came out to the signing - it was huge!
To me these signing sessions are always something very special because we get to meet the fans face-to-face and hear so many of their stories, they tell us what moves them and also share their feelings. This is truly inspirational and I get so many ideas for our new songs from that - thanks so much for all of that!
after the in-store we headed towards Chicago. Georg and Tom talked pretty much the whole way about the who was the sweetest girl or whose number they'd love to have - such dreamers they are sometimes! A highlight on the drive to Chicago was a stop at one of the supermarkets! The bus dropped us right in front of the entrance and I have to tell you: I love these gigantic supermarkets - they just have everything you want, including my favourite sweets, all the fruit you can dream of and even birdhouses - seriously, they carry birdhouses... crazy! On top of that they didn't even have a cashier - all I bought I had to scan myself at a station where I also had to pay...but you'll get all the inside scoop about this little supermarket adventure on Tokio Hotel TV soon!
Shortly thereafter we finally arrived in Chicago where we had a day off! As usual we slept in really late but I also wanted to explore the city, which is why we got up particularly early - at 3pm. Gustav had already gone out long before and Georg refused to get up so I had to bug Tom until he finally said he would join me to check out the city! Downtown Chicago was gorgeous - the sun was shining and it had this summer flair that put everyone in a great mood! Chicago as a city seems just perfect - it was a mix of these huge buildings like you see in NYC and the summer flair you experience in L.A., which is basically a perfect mix! Tom and I grabbed a coffee and pretty much explored the city for the rest of the day - Tom was like a tourist the whole time since he took pictures of everything. At the end of the day we visited a cool restaurant on the beach and enjoyed the sunset while having dinner...absolutely WICKED day!!!
That's it for now...
Take care,
Piczo Monsoon Contest!
Now is the chance for all those days practicing to be a singer using your hairbrush as a microphone to pay off. Oh, come on! You know you do! Piczo is having a contest! Here's the deets! All you have to do is record a video of yourself lip-syncing to Monsoon and upload it to the Piczo Zone with the title "Tokio Hotel Monsoon Contest" to be eligible. The guys from the band will pick their favorite five videos, and we'll put it to Piczo members for a vote. The winner will win an autographed poster and t-shirt from Tokio Hotel. Entries must be received by August 27.
Wanna win? Go ahead --> =)
Kids Choice Awards!
Teenmag day 9! Win signed TH merchandise!
Photos from St. Paul

Popcorn nr. 9 scans
Vids from Chicago!
Live every second
1000 oceans
Rescue Me
Zusammen- Durch den Monsun
Tom's Tour Blog - Teenmag day 8

Tom gets ready for the Cleveland show.
Welcome everyone to "Tom's blog"!
Yes, we are finally back on tour! We are travelling from city to city on our bus, meeting so many of our awesome fans and have had some wicked shows so far. Since it's our first real tour in the States and Canada there has seriously been a lot in store for us. So far we visited New York, New Jersey, Montreal and Cleveland. Let me tell you, each of the shows we played so far has been really special in it's own way. And we are sooo excited to be nominated at the MTV VMAs for "Best Pop Video" and "Best New Artist" thanks to all our fans!
The kick off for our concert run in New Jersey went surprisingly well, which worries me a little. Usually during the first show something goes wrong but this time everything was so smooth! Well, obviously Georg missed some notes but that happens all the time (lol!).
On our way to Montreal it looked like our smooth run would come to an end...we had to wait at the Canadian border for ages since there was a Greyhound bus ahead of us and the officers searched every little bit of it - they even checked all the clothes the people brought with them in their suitcases. Luckily when it was our turn, the officers took it easy - they let us pass without taking our bus apart. Security checks and border controls are definitely not my thing... I just don't have the very best experience with them!
In Montreal (to be precise, in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu) we performed at an awesome festival with about twenty thousand people. The weather was great and throughout the whole day all kinds of different hot-air balloons rose to the sky. The coolest one of them looked like the head of Darth Vader and I would have loved to be on board that one! But we stayed on the ground and performed a show, which was great - all the fans sang along to each of the songs with us...just amazing!
After the show we had a quick stopover at the hotel where we took a shower (yes, Georg did too) and then it was time to get on the tour bus to travel overnight to Cleveland. On the bus we played video games. We played a guitar playing challenge and obviously I beat all the other guys - what a surprise!
After that I went to sleep and woke up the next day in Cleveland where it was really least in the morning. Pretty much the rest of the day it rained so we spent most of the day (it was an off day) watching DVDs. Gustav also had a little excursion to Lake Erie and when he came back he was soaking wet - not because he jumped in the lake but because it started to rain so hard!
Let me tell you guys, it's pretty exciting to be on tour in North America - so many new things to explore. It's great to be here and I'm looking forward to seeing YOU at one of the concerts soon.
Thanks for all your support at all the concerts so far and also at the MTV VMAs where you all made it possible for us to be nominated TWICE....that's just unbelievable. Please keep on voting for us as "Best New Artist"
Take care!
Congratz DDM!

Tokio Hotel in McDonalds (UK)

McDonalds in the UK are doing some music special. The artists are...:
Girls Aloud
Bob Sinclair
Tokio Hotel
So all UK fans, go and buy yourselfs a Happy Meal (yes indeed, we're going to be very happy =) ).
American Tour 2008
Sayreville, Starland Ballroom (New Jersey, USA)
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Intl. Hot Air Balloon Fest of St. Jean (Quebec, Canada)
Cleveland, House of Blues (Ohio, USA)12.08.2008
Detroit, The Fillmore (Michigan, USA)
Chicago, House of Blues (Illinois, USA)
St. Paul, Myth (Minnesota, USA)
San Fransisco, The Fillmore (Kalifornien, USA)
Anaheim, House of Blues (Kalifornien, USA)
Las Vegas, House of Blues (Nevada, USA)
Denver, Gothic Theatre (Colorado, USA)
Dallas, House of Blues (Texas, USA)
Houston, Verizon Wireless Theatre (Texas, USA)
As you can see, the next concert is tomorrow in Chicago. Who's going?
St. Jean Sur Richelieu
Teenmag day 7! Gustav talks!

Name: Gustav
Age: 19
Sign: Virgo
Date of Birth: September8, 1988
Birthplace: Magdeburg, Germany
What's the first thing I do every morning? Have breakfast!
Favorite dish: Ribs with boiled potatoes plus carrots & peas on the side!
About my tattoos: I've have tattoos in two spots - first one is on my upper back. It shows two wings and in between them there is a sword and a laurel twig that cross. My second tattoo is a shooting star, which I have on my right arm.
Junk food I love: Cheeseburgers.
When I try to eat healthy: Bananas.
My childhood celebrity crush was: Carmen Electra.
Recently I was surprised by: The way my destiny worked out!
The cereals in my cupboard are: I don't eat cereal at all.
Heaven on earth is: My family.
For dinner I like to make: Potato casserole.
My coolest article of clothing: My Air Max Nikes.
When friends come over we: Watch movies.
Before I die I want to: Have climbed Mt. Everest.
When I'm on tour I have to have: My laptop and mobile phones with me.
If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: Buy a beautiful house for my family and myself!
More info about Mexico signing!
On August 29 at 19:00 pm Tokyo Hotel will be signing autographs in square Cuicuilco, PLEASE NOTE: Limited to 2000 bracelets. To get the bracelet, you must go to Cuicuilo Square on August 29th, and buy Scream to receive the bracelet. Limit of one bracelet per person. Congrats to you Mexico City! 2,000! Wow.
Original Spanish since it is entirely possible I made some mistakes.
El 29 de Agosto a las 19:00hrs Tokio Hotel estara firmando autografos en plaza cuicuilco, ATENCION: LIMITADO A 2000 BRAZALETES. Como adquirir los brazaletes?? El dia 29 de Agosto vas a plaza cuicuilco te formas en el mixup y en la compra del disco scream (no importa si ya lo tienes lo tendras que volver a comprar) te dan un brazalete (limitado a un brazalete por persona)
(credit to
Fillmore, Detroit [12.08.08]

Cleveland [11.08.08]

Tokio Hotel TV 39: Making of Monsoon!
Its about of the video of Monsoon
Watch and enjoy!
Article from
German media such as Bild are still following the boys' success in America this month. Translated by Ines @ - please credit (c)
As we known, the four boys from Magdeburg are already nominated for this year's MTV Video Music Awards (September 7th). Now, Bill and Co. can be happy about a new nomination.
Tokio Hotel will not only compete with their single "Ready, Set, Go!" (Übers ende der welt) in the category "Best Pop Video" but also have chances in the category "Best New Artist" to win the award. Plus, they can still be voted for the categories "Best Rock Video" and "Video of the Year". Also here the boys are well on their way with the video of their single "Monsoon" (Durch den monsun). -
Signing in Mexico
Tokio Hotel are going to have a signing in Mexico the 29th of August. The most amount of fans: 2000!
Teenmag day 6!

Name: Tom
Age: 18
Sign: Virgo
Date of Birth: September 1, 1989
Birthplace: Leipzig, Germany
What's the first thing I do every morning? Ask myself: oh, who's that nice girl next to me ;)
Favorite dish: Pasta, Pasta & Pasta!
Must-Visit Website: There is none in particular for me - I just randomly surf the web.
Must-Watch TV Show: Scrubs - most hilarious show ever!
About my tattoos: Don't have any - it's up to Bill & Gustav to deal with that!
Junk food I love: Pizza
When I try to eat healthy: I go for vegetable sushi and sliced fruit....water melon and pineapple are awesome!
My childhood celebrity crush was: I used to watch Baywatch and had an eye on Pamela in her red swimsuit!
Recently I was surprised by: When Georg said: "No we can't go to the airport directly, we have to stop at the hotel first since I want to take a shower ;-)"
The cereals in my cupboard are: Cornpops!
Heaven on earth is: A day off.
For dinner I like to make: Depends on who is with me. If it's a date I prefer a fancy candlelight dinner but if I'm hanging out with Bill I would order some Pizza and say "look what I just made for you"!
My coolest article of clothing: My caps.
When friends come over we: Have tons of stuff to talk about! We also like going clubbing or just hanging out like everyone else!
Before I die I want to: Have an intense and intelligent conversation with Jessica Alba!
When I'm on tour I have to have: Our fans in front of the stage.
People would be surprised that I: Love to take care of my family!
If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: Probably not be a more happy person than I am right now! Money isn't everything in life!!
Read the rest of the article here or click here to play the game!
Tonights concert
More about that will be up later ; )
Anthony Cutajar Photoshoot - Good Q & HQ
Video from Tokio Hotel [at the office for seventeen magazine]
Teenmag day 5!

Name: Bill
Age: 18
Sign: Virgo
Date of Birth: September 1, 1989
Birthplace: Leipzig, Germany
What's the first thing I do every morning? Take a shower.
Favorite dish: Pasta!
Must-Visit Website: I don't have one in particular but check out ;-)
Favorite TV Show these days: Scrubs.
About my tattoos: I have three. The first one is on the back of my neck and it shows the Tokio Hotel logo. The next one is a star which I designed myself and I have it tattooed in my lower stomach area. The last one is on my left arm and it says "Freiheit 89". The word "Freiheit" is German and in English it means "Freedom". I basically got this tattoo because freedom has always been the most important thing to me. The number 89 is included because that's the year I was born. This last tattoo I got on my 18th birthday which is a very special one in Germany - when you turn 18 you are officially an adult so you can do whatever you're finally free!
Junk food I love: Pizza.
When I try to eat healthy I pick: Salad.
My childhood celebrity crush was: Nena (German singer).
Recently I was surprised by: Our performance in New Jersey.
The cereal in my cupboard: Corn Flakes.
Heaven on earth is: A deserted island.
For dinner I like to make: Noodles with ketchup, cream & mustard.
My coolest article of clothing: The jacket I designed for our European tour.
When friends come over we: Watch DVDs.
Before I die I want to: Play the biggest show ever!
When I'm on tour I have to have: My 10 suitcases!
People would be surprised that I am: Such a family guy.
If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: Go on a REALLY long vacation!
![[ zoom - ]](
Check out the letter Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg came up with for YOU! They wanted to shout out a big THANK YOU for all your voting efforts...but it isn´t over yet ;-) Please keep on voting for Tokio Hotel in the category BEST NEW ARTIST since YOU determine the winner. Click HERE to cast your vote now to make Tokio Hotel #1! [Please note: You need an account to participate in the voting - if you don´t have one yet sign up HERE first.]
1000 Oceans
Durch Den Monsun
Break Away
Ready Set Go
Raise Your Hands Together
Don't Jump
Live Every Second
Final Day
Love is Dead
All the videos are from YOUTUBE
Here are a few picture to get you started more will come up later
Tokio Hotel makes history with VMA noms
Thank you to Coolbreezegirl for this info! only two german videos have been nominated in the past for VMA. Sadness part 1 by Enigma in the early 90s (late 80s?) and Be my Lover by la Boucheóm ten years ago. Both these artists only had one nom each. TH is the only one that has double nominations and also one for artist and not just video. If we also vote enough for Video of the Year they might even score 3 noms! major Epic. But even if they don't they have still made music history.
THs presence there at the red carpet (well mostly Bill to be honest) will guarantee them pics in mainstream North American media as well as in the rest of the world; all over Europe, Latin America and Asia. If TH will win it will generate big headlines even in markets where they are less known like in UK and people will pay attention. TH at VMA saves Interscope millions and millions in marketing costs because it is all free publicity. Win-win situation for both TH, label and us fans all over the world!
Stiina - Augusti 2008
Live every second
Durch den monsun
1000 oceans
Love is dead
Raise your hands
By your side
Break Away
New Jersey - 07.08.08
MTV TRL [05.08.08]

TRL New York [05.08.08]
MTV TRL 04-06.08.08 [HQ]
All stars
Star no. 28
PRT: Bravo #259
Fest. des Mongolfières, Canadá(Quebec) - 9.08.08
TRL week- day 4

Name: Georg
Age: 21
Sign: Aries
Date of Birth: March 31, 1987
Birthplace: Halle, Germany
What's the first thing I do every morning? Brush my teeth.
Favorite dish: Anything that includes chicken!
Must-Visit Website: I love our YouTube channel -
About my tattoos: I don't have one yet but I have been thinking about getting one for ages...
Junk food I love: Hot Dogs
When I try to eat healthy I pick: Rice
My childhood celebrity crush was: I always had a crush on Tom...okay, you know I'm kidding ;-)
Recently I was surprised by: Our nominations for the MTV Video Music Awards 2008 - totally wicked!!!
The cereals in my cupboard are: Fruit Cereal
Heaven on earth is: Just being at home.
For dinner I like to make: Pasta - pretty much all the time :-)
My coolest article of clothing: My brown leather jacket.
When friends come over we: ...go out for dinner.
Before I die I want to: ...say "Goodbye" to my family & friends.
When I'm on tour I have to have: Scrubs DVD collection with me.
People would be surprised that I am: ...actually a pretty nice guy ;-)
If someone gave me a million bucks tomorrow I'd: ...take my friends and family on vacation until we blew all the money!
Bus Stop
All future superstars aboard: A bus shelter in the hometown of twin stars Bill and Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel is for sale on Ebay for €14,600.
It's not often that Ebay customers bid thousands of euros for bits of an old, vandalized bus stop from small town eastern Germany. But this week, the roof and the walls of a shelter in the tiny settlement of Loitsche are up for auction (German only) -- and combined, the six pieces are going for €14,600.
It's not just any bus stop of course. The shelter stands outside the childhood home of twin Tokio Hotel stars Bill and Tom Kaulitz and it has long been something of a pilgrimage site for thousands of pen- and paint-wielding fans. The shelter has been divided into six parts, with one of the side walls -- the one emblazoned with the message "Tom & Bill - all the best" scrawled over a large, black heart -- going for €4,000. For bargain hunters, a piece of the roof is currently priced at €500. The auction can best be found by searching under "Loitsche."
All of the pieces are available under Ebay's "buy it now" option and so far, no offers have been made and none sold. According to a town spokesperson on Sunday, around 100 people have come to the town to inspect the sections up for sale. One complained about the high price of the dubious souvenirs.
If the bus stop parts aren't sold within 10 days, they will be sawed into even smaller pieces and auctioned off separately to the highest bidders. Locals seem happy to be rid of the memorial to the pop stars: "A lot of fans came to visit and immortalized themselves in graffiti, drawings, and text, much to the distress of the community," reads the sale Web site.
Nice picture

what do you think?
Willkommen in Tokio Hotel!
Welcome to our second blog about the german band Tokio Hotel. We are two girls from Sweden, 15 years old.
We started blogging about Tokio Hotel in April on After some discussion we decided to move the blog to
We also have a piczo page (
That's about it for now, if you got any questions, just comment or send an email to: [email protected]
See ya
Hanna & Ica