Super Pop #338

Tokio Hotel - They live their best moment
They made it!!! Never a german band has made so much sucess in the USA...Do you want to know how their last days have been?
A-MA-ZING!!! That's how the last days of our four boys have been...They arrived to the USA in the beginning of the month and they'll stay there till the 29th! Only after will they have right to rest...or not...because they're nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards, that will happen next September!
A week on TRL
It's not every band that is invited to appear during a whole week in one of the most watched programms of the American TV, TRL! But Tokio Hotel are special and in the week they've arrived to the US they went to the programm every day, which to top it is broacasted all over the world through MTV! They loved to be there and showed themselves pretty at ease! They even spoke always in english and all!!! What TH enjoyed the most was the possibility to be closer to the fans (the audience was always packed with them, some from far away), that made them lots of questions... And they didn't deny answers! It was very nice!!!
Big tour
But defenitely what has given more pleasure to our boys are the concerts! The tour includes nine shows through the country (and one in Canada) which demands lots of energy! But who runs for pleasure, never gets tired, right? And Bill has already said in an interview: «It was always our dream to perform in America». Dream accomplished!!!
Two nominations
But what's happening to Tokio Hotel goes way beyond their dreams!!! They never thought of being nominated to the MTV Video Music Awards and right now they're on the run for the award, not in one but in two categories... That's right they're candidates to the award «Best New Artist», with «Monsoon», and «Best Pop Video», with «Ready, Set, Go», better than this only if they win... and for that you can vote!!! Go right now to www. and register!!!
translation by STERN
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