20th Birthday Present for Gustav
Your birthday wishes for Gustav!
As you all know, on 8 September Gustav will turn 20. Reason enough for the us as official fanclub to start a birthday action, where we ask you to get your mobile phone, camera or webcam on your pc and record your birthday wish for Gustav. We will put all the birthday wishes together on a disc, that we will give to Gustav.
How should your entry look?
You can record something alone or with friends. You can sing, read a poem or just say your wishes, whatever you always wanted to say. Please keep in mind that your entry can be no longer then 30 seconds, otherwise it won't be on the CD.
How do I send my entry?
The file with your message should be MP3, OGG or WMA, and size of the file can't be larger then 1 Megabyte. An everage message of 30 seconds should be about 500 kilobyte. You can send you file until 5 September 2008 through email to:
[email protected]
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source: tokiohotel-fanclub.de