I just got to know when the VMA's are going to be sent and at what time!
7th September - (night Sunday-Monday) 02-05 (Swedish time)
01-04 (English time)
20-23 (New York, US)
If you want to know when its sent in your country just write a comment and we'll tell you ; )
7th September - (night Sunday-Monday) 02-05 (Swedish time)
01-04 (English time)
20-23 (New York, US)
If you want to know when its sent in your country just write a comment and we'll tell you ; )
Posted by: Natalie B
Vill du tjäna lite extrapengar utan att anstränga dig?
Spana in detta: http://www.plusikassan.se/index.php?advertiser=1198
Jag får in 400 kr därifrån/månad på mitt konto..
kanske inte så mkt pengar, men det är ändå pengar jag inte hade haft annars :) Det är helt gratis och det fungerar verkligen!
Posted by: Malina
Do you know when the VMA's are going to be sent in Germany?
Posted by: Marie
when do they send it in Norway? :- D
Posted by: archana
do you know when they'll be shown in Canada?
thx .oo