Happy Meal - translation on its way!

Oops! 8/08
ESP Super Pop # 794
Bravo #260
Cool Magazine
German rock band Tokio Hotel has sold over two million copies all over the world. Thanks to the success of their first album in English, Scream, they're ready to conquer America. Meeting with the twins Bill and Tom!
Sometimes, the fans get over excited for seeing their idols. What was the most surprising thing you've ever saw?
Bill: In Los Angeles entered our hotel room through the window. We were at the second floor. We still don't know how she climbed so high! And a fan also gave us a star as a present. Somewhere in the sky there's a star called Tokio Hotel.
Tom: Our fans come from far places, and they sleep wherever they can just to see us. That's truly cool.
Which song is your favourite to play on stage?
Tom: "Raise Your Hands". We wrote that song especially for the audience, for our fans.
Bill: In my opinion, I really like the song "Scream", because it's one of our first songs. It's really good to be able to perform on stage and hear the crowd singing with you.
Which are the highlights and bad moments when touring?
Bill: The most difficult thing is that we don't have, at all, private life. We're everyday on the road, don't have our own bed and can't be with our family and friends. Sometimes, it's pretty rough.
Tom: However, that allows us to perform on stage, and then all is worth it. We like the promotion, the interviews, the photos... but what we like the most are the shows.
Bill: We also love to travel everywhere, and sleeping in different cities each night.
Do you carry with you the same things to anyplace you go?
Bill: Each member of the band carries seven or eight suitcases, which make us, have a lot of baggage. As I don't have a fixed residence, I always take everything I have with me.
Tom: We take everything we have with us.
Which music did you use to listen to when you were younger?
Bill: We're all different from each other, even when it comes to music. I love Coldplay and Keane.
Tom: When I started playing guitar, I listened to Aerosmith. I was also a great Joe Perry's fan. Now, in my free time, I listen to a lot of German hip-hop.
Do you have any crush for some celebrity?
Bill: Tom and I love the Olsen twins!
Tom: I guess that's because they're twins like us. I also love Jessica Alba, Heidi Klum... too long list!
Your new album contains songs from your two first albums. How did you choose the songs?
Tom: We simply choose the ones we preferred.
Bill: We wanted to select diverse songs and still confirm that we were Tokio Hotel. In the album you can find ballads and tracks with some more rhythm.
Is there any song you wanted to include in the album, but still you haven't?
Tom: No, we selected all the songs we wanted.
If you could go on tour with any band, which one would you choose?
Tom: I would love to go on tour with a girl's band, like The Pussycat Dolls! *laughs*
Bill: Every rock band wants to go on tour with The Rolling Stones! That would be awesome!
In which country the fans are more intense?
Bill: That's hard to say. I think we have the best fans in the whole world, no matter if we're in Europe, the US or Canada. It's insane!
Tom: We're very welcomed in every place we visit.
Bill: The fans are always there for us. Plus, they camp outside the venues where we perform. That's really unbelievable!
You got big success around the world. Do you thing it's weird to start it all over again in America?
Tom: Yes, for a German band it's a great opportunity visiting the US.
Bill: It's amazing: three years ago we couldn't believe we would be so successful in Germany and Europe. We didn't even think about coming to the US and also perform in Canada. We're very happy.
Are you happy with the reactions from the American public?
Tom: We're just starting... But this success we're having is way more than we ever expected.
Which American city is your favourite now?
Tom: We can't answer that, because we've only visited New York and Los Angeles.
Bill: I loved NY, but I also liked L.A. There we could go to the beach every days, and it's always beautiful!
Tom: The girls are really cute in both cities. That's important!
Where does the name Tokio Hotel comes from?
Bill: In the beginning we were Devilish. But we wanted to find a different name, a suitable one. All of us love big cities so, we chose Tokyo (Tokio in German). Once we dreamed about travelling all over the world and sleeping in hotels, we added Hotel.
Where do you see yourselves in the end of 2008?
We have many concerts in the next months. Then, we'll be working in studio. We will write new songs and record a new album. I hope we can do it all by the end of the year!
cred to Ines @ tokiohotel.org.uk

The guys from Tokio Hotel are revolutionizing the United States.
The TV channel MTV has dedicated a whole week for them showing their clips. Besides, Bill and his companions will present some programs and will also sing live!
But the best about all this is that Tokio Hotel has been nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards in the category of the best video pop for their song "Ready, Set, Go!". It won't be easy, though, as they will have many competitors like Britney Spears with "Piece of me" and the Jonas Brothers with "Burnin' up". The prize giving ceremony will take place in Los Angeles on September 9th.
We wish them a lot of luck.
Revista Cool - Canada
We just received some pretty amazing news from Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg! The guys announced that if they win one Video Music Award in Los Angeles this year then they'll not only celebrate with their American fans at the VMAs. no, they will also organize a cool Tokio Hotel VMA fan party shortly after the VMAs in a European city (yes, the guys will be there too!!!)
and Tokio Hotel will also do a HUGE signing session in that European city! YOU guys can make this happen - all you need to do is click HERE, vote for Tokio Hotel in the category BEST NEW ARTIST and make them #1! Before you start the voting action you need to create a free MTV.com account - click HERE to register and don't forget: Voting in the category BEST NEW ARTIST is unlimited.
(P.S. @ SweetJane, om du inte förstår engelska så vet jag inte vad man ska göra, vi kommer inte att ändra språk till tillexempel svenska eftersom de flesta läsare kan engelska!! D.S.)
Article from the San Fran concert
The best way to describe the glam-metal-emo-pop-tween group is like the Jonas Brothers for girls who prefer chipped black nail polish and fishnet stockings to unicorn puffy stickers and purity rings. Because the Magedburg-bred quartet has already dominated Europe in every way possible - selling more than 6 million CDs and DVDs since forming in 2001, playing for 500,000 people beneath the Eiffel Tower, filling their parents' homes with various statuettes - Tokio Hotel has had no recourse but to turn its attention to America.
When they finally walked onstage, you half expected kohl-eyed front man Bill Kaulitz, 18, identical twin brother and guitarist Tom, bassist Georg Listing, 21, and drummer Gustav Schäfer, 19, to be holding Guitar Hero controllers rather than real instruments. The group's songs have a whiff of late-period Smashing Pumpkins, all chugging metal riffs and overheated wailing on metal throwbacks like "Monsoon" and "Love Is Dead." But the lyrics (roughly translated) and carefully studied rock-star poses seem custom-made for people whose primary source of music is "Donkey Kong 18″ or whatever.
Still, it's hard to resist an androgynous singer with extra large hair and extra small jeans. Bill Kaulitz doesn't have much range, but was extremely down to earth and had a way of making teen angst sound downright life-affirming, especially when in his broken English on "Ready, Set, Go!" he sang, "Together we can make it while the world is crashing down."
That song just earned Tokio Hotel a nomination at the MTV Video Music Awards, which is pitting the group against heavyweights like Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and, yes, the Jonas Brothers. The possibility of having to let its secret go mainstream only made the fan base all the more rabid. The girls filling out the front of the venue screamed when Bill Kaulitz splashed them with water from his bottle. They screamed when he held up a megaphone before singing the title track from the group's U.S. debut, "Scream." They even screamed for the black curtain that silently hung onstage before the band arrived at the venue. Accordingly, there was no opening act, because as the group's manager noted before the set, "They would be killed."
New info about the new album...
Bill bubbling over from new ideas. It is true rocking.
Norbert Koch-Klaucke
Kreisch! Nix with a vacation by the sea: Tokio hotel dive after their U.S. tour into the studio in order for her new album schuften the beginning of 2009 and still appear to be rock.
For the boys Magdeburg is no time to rest. On their U.S. tour they just bring the kids in America back to circle Chen. And after the MTV Awards ceremony in Los Angeles in September, where they are next to Britney Spears for the best video and nominated as best newcomer, is home and into the studio.
Material for the third TH-album already, there's enough. "Bill has always been going on for months with new song ideas," says her manager David Jost. "Every spare minute to use them to write songs."
Even harder than the previous albums, the panel will have to Tokio hotel. "We will be back on the plate German and English record," says Jost. The German version will be from January to March 2009 appear a little later the English in the United States. Jost: "There are also some German songs sung it."
Christmas should all be ready. Only then may leave Tokio hotel. Jost: "Probably they fly back on any postcard island." The last band spent the holidays in the Maldives.
Publiced on the 25th of July.
Tokio Hotel is practicing in a studio for an album that will be released in november. The group from Berlin, Tokio Hotel, the true phenomenon from the past two years, has returned to the studio for an album that has to be available in november.
The title of the album isn't known yet.
There will be two versions of this new record: a german cd and an english one.
The first song of the album will be played on the radio in October.
In two years, Tokio Hotel has developed to a true phenomenon with their sometimes gothic rock, mystic and androgyny. They furnish proof of that in the charts: millions of concerttickets sold, two albums which were platinum in the majority of the european countries and very loyal fans. The members of the group perfectly incarnate the universe of the youth and are centered in the rockscene. (?)
Because of the huge succes, different labels have launched other german artists like Wir Sind Helden or Killerpilze, they didn't reach the same succes though.
Source: french Relaxnews
TEENMAG questions & answers =)
On teenmags website TH fans could ask the band some questions..here are the answers!
1. How did you get in to music?
Bill: We all started really early. Tom and I started when we were about seven. Back then
it was only the two of us. Tom got into playing the guitar because of our step dad and I really
wanted to sing - I was always too lazy to learn an instrument :-). We started writing our own
songs and performed wherever we could - at weddings, birthday parties and little clubs.
Gustav: I started playing the drums when I was about five. I always used to drum with my
fingers on everything that came along :-) - so my parents decided to give it a real try and got me lessons.
Georg: I was in high school when my friends decided to start a band. They where looking for a
bass player and I thought "That's pretty cool, I can do that"...so that's how I started.
2. You've just been nominated for Best Pop Video at the MTV VMA's. How does it feel to
be gaining so much success here in the U.S.?
Bill: Oh my god, it is sooooo amazing and we're all so excited. This is something we didn't
dare to dream of!
Tom: We all freaked out when we received the great news. Our fans are really amazing
and we can't believe that they made this happen for us.
3. Why did you pick Tokio Hotel to be your new band name?
Tom: That happened a few years ago. We decided to look for a new band name when we
started to work in the studio - so it must've been at least five years ago. That was a really
new beginning for us and we wanted to start with a name that really fit us.
4. Bill, what is your favorite song that you wrote?
Bill: That's really hard and I can't actually pick one ‘cause every song has a special meaning
to me and is personal. But if I had to I probably would choose "Live Every Second" - that's one
of the first songs I wrote. I was eight or nine back then.
5. Were the four of you always interested in music?
Bill: Yes, music has always been what we all wanted to do. We put all our time and energy in
music. During the week we went to school and on the weekends we played wherever we could.
What we are doing today is all we ever wanted. And I can't even imagine what I would have
become besides a singer.
Tom: Hmmm, if I wasn't a musician I would probably work at the playboy mansion as
Hugh Hefner's personal assistant. (lol) Georg would work as construction worker and do a lot
of body building in his free time and Gustav would be a trucker!
6. Tom: Is it true that you still have your teddy bear?
Tom: You must be talking about Georg. He has his one with him all the time. And guess
what name he gave him?? Tom!!!
Georg: Ohhhhhh sure....
7. What do you like to do during your free time??
Bill: Sleep! We sleep in as long as possible.
Tom: If nobody wakes me up I sleep ‘till the afternoon.
Georg: Yeah, sleeping, eating, sleeping again, watching DVDs and going to bed
Bill: Gustav is a little different - he's really an early bird.
Gustav: Yes, I wake up quiet early and then I like to meet friends, ride my bike, do all kinds of
sports and spend time with my family.
8. Did any of you guys have imaginary friends when you were younger and if so, what
were their names?
All (laughing): NO!
Tom (laughing): Well, to tell you a secret: Georg has some imaginary friends and they
might be his only ones besides us...
9. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Bill: Hopefully on stage!
All: Yes!
Bill: We really want to do this as long as possible - till we're old and gray :-)
10. Which part of the world that have you visited have you liked the most?
Bill: Ohhh, that's a hard one...! Each and every single country has it's own nice and special qualities,
they are all very different and hard to compare!
Tom: In Russia there are the best parties.
Georg: We all love Italian food - so Italy is great as well.
Gustav: Yeah, and the French have such a sweet accent "Guestaw"...
Bill: We also love America! The food, N.Y. , L.A., the weather is so great, and as we are traveling
through the middle of the country now we are learning that there are lots of amazing places
to discover, it's just awesome!
Tom: I have to say, there are hot girls everywhere, I wanna meet them all! But we are always
happy to come home once in a while to be with our families and friends, that is so important!
Super Pop #338

Tokio Hotel - They live their best moment
They made it!!! Never a german band has made so much sucess in the USA...Do you want to know how their last days have been?
A-MA-ZING!!! That's how the last days of our four boys have been...They arrived to the USA in the beginning of the month and they'll stay there till the 29th! Only after will they have right to rest...or not...because they're nominated for the MTV Video Music Awards, that will happen next September!
A week on TRL
It's not every band that is invited to appear during a whole week in one of the most watched programms of the American TV, TRL! But Tokio Hotel are special and in the week they've arrived to the US they went to the programm every day, which to top it is broacasted all over the world through MTV! They loved to be there and showed themselves pretty at ease! They even spoke always in english and all!!! What TH enjoyed the most was the possibility to be closer to the fans (the audience was always packed with them, some from far away), that made them lots of questions... And they didn't deny answers! It was very nice!!!
Big tour
But defenitely what has given more pleasure to our boys are the concerts! The tour includes nine shows through the country (and one in Canada) which demands lots of energy! But who runs for pleasure, never gets tired, right? And Bill has already said in an interview: «It was always our dream to perform in America». Dream accomplished!!!
Two nominations
But what's happening to Tokio Hotel goes way beyond their dreams!!! They never thought of being nominated to the MTV Video Music Awards and right now they're on the run for the award, not in one but in two categories... That's right they're candidates to the award «Best New Artist», with «Monsoon», and «Best Pop Video», with «Ready, Set, Go», better than this only if they win... and for that you can vote!!! Go right now to www. mtv.com and register!!!
translation by STERN
cred to www.tokiohotel.blogg.se
Black mag poster
Popcorn nr. 9 scans
Article from Bild.de
German media such as Bild are still following the boys' success in America this month. Translated by Ines @ tokiohotel.org.uk - please credit (c)
As we known, the four boys from Magdeburg are already nominated for this year's MTV Video Music Awards (September 7th). Now, Bill and Co. can be happy about a new nomination.
Tokio Hotel will not only compete with their single "Ready, Set, Go!" (Übers ende der welt) in the category "Best Pop Video" but also have chances in the category "Best New Artist" to win the award. Plus, they can still be voted for the categories "Best Rock Video" and "Video of the Year". Also here the boys are well on their way with the video of their single "Monsoon" (Durch den monsun). - bild.de