When they knew that a lot of their disappointed fans had destroyed cds and posters in protest of not getting the promised autograph, the band members of Tokio Hotel just smiled in surprise.
"It wasn't our intention to upset anybody. WE're very sorry, but we were told that everything went according to what was planned", said lead singer Bill Kaulitz in press conference yesterday.
According to the germans, they didn't know that about 800 people with bracelets didn't get an autograph on last friday night in Plaza Cuicuilco.
That's why they never got offended by the fact that their fans booed when they left, saying that they didn't know that the record store Mixup had assured the fans the band would sign 2000 autographs.
The truth is that the store gave out that amount of bracelets and that in the event there were fans that traveled from other states of the country just to see the band and get an autograph.
When the band reached 1200 autographs, their security guard decided that it was time to leave.
When they knew that Tokio Hotel had left, some teenagers and their parents started to tear the cover of the Scream cd, while others went to the store to demand their money back.
Around 600 people caused the movilization of 20 security people inside the plaza, because they were pounding over the crystal doors of the store.
"Our record label (Universal Music) said that there were only 50 people left, not that many!! (800) We are very sorry about this incident, we thank our fans for all the love they've given us," said Bill's twin brother, Tom, in their encounter with the mexican press.